I am a creative alchemist who cultivates tools of liberation.
I am often asked to describe who I am and what I do. How do we begin to capture the messy entanglements of who and how we are as complex, fluid beings? After all, becoming is an emergent state of being, and being is a constant state of becoming.
Every card deck has four queens, right?
The Eclectic Experience Designer
The Fiesty Fashionista
The Radical Researcher
The Sassy Storyteller
I view design as an emergent dialogue between power and possibility—disrupting the status quo and forging new pathways. My work focuses on crafting transformative experiences that cultivate shared joy, fuel our collective imagination, and weave visions for liberatory futures.
Reclaiming fashion is a form of resistance, to define beauty on our terms and preserve our ancestral lineages. By re-patterning our relationship to “consuming” clothes, we can disrupt harmful fast fashion practices that plunder the land and exploit our communities for cheap, indentured labor. Through genderful fashion, I celebrate the beauty, joy, and power of diverse gender expressions.

Step into a realm where we are actively foraging, where curiosity dances freely with imagination, where freedom dreams are realized. . .
Storytelling is a sacred, ancestral practice that has been passed down through a multitude of generations. I come from a rich lineage of dāstān-gos, naqqāls, and qissa-khwans who engaged in various forms of storywork. Through my own practices, I invite us to reclaim our stories that have been lost over time or stolen from us, as well as conjure new stories to preserve for our future kin.
I believe research can be a form of shared inquiry and collaborative sense-making. Reclaiming research allows us to honor the rich experiences and stories we embody, as a way to build reciprocal relationships and cultivate community knowledge. As a researcher, my work is grounded in a duty of care and relational responsibility toward land and ecosystems.
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